This is a summary of truths about Christianity, explained for my simple commonplacing and your public consumption. Consult my method to see how I built it.
- * This thing is currently a work in progress, so I’m trying to organize it. You can see where I’m at right now on it.
- XX It’s a “live” page, but is in no way really done.
- Spiritual Data: Quotes
- Spiritual Data: Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled
- Spiritual Data: Bible Patterns
- Spiritual Data: God’s Contracts
- Who God Is
- The Bible
- Who People Are
- On Gender Differences
- The Five Solae
- Sins
- Non-Systematic Theology
- TL;DR Christian History
Christian Disciplines
- Spiritual Data: New Christian Behaviors
- Spiritual Data: What God Can Do
- A Christian’s Identity
- Bible Study
- Prayer
- Spiritual Exercises
- Spiritual Gifts
- Unnatural Law
- Spiritual Data: The Devil’s Tricks
- Devotion & Chaos
- Cults, Heresies, & Disagreements
- On the West & Christianity
- Spiritual Warfare
- Persecution
Advanced Christian Disciplines
- Spiritual Data: Gospel Splice (PDF)
- Spiritual Data: The Non-biblical History of Israel
- God’s Will
- Sincere Spirituality
- Seeing How God Sees
The Future
- * Discipleship
- * Running a Ministry
- XX Running a Worship-Based Church
- XX Planting Worship-Based Churches
- XX Sending Cross-Cultural Missionaries
- Christians & Intellectual Property
My Testimony/Story
- Part I: Becoming a Christian
- Part II: Finding a Church
- Part III: Finding Answers
- Part IV: Taking Action
Why this site?
- The world of Christianity is far more pronounced than simply its cultural institution. It represents ideas that then express onto the world.
- While I have my bias, I sincerely believe the stupid discussions about Christianity are severely misplaced due to misunderstandings about what Christians believe.
- My aspiration is to give the most accurate, clear lens of Christianity possible, given my limited experiences. Like The Bible Project, but with fewer words and very few images.
What’s up with the logo?
- It’s a visual representation of TheoLogos (TL), mixed with Jesus’ cross, representing the absolute simplicity of being a Christian.
Who are you, anyway?
- I’m Dave Stucky.
- You might like other things I made.
- Follow my updates here.