Spiritual Data: Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled

This is a non-exhaustive list of Jesus’ fulfilled prophecies.

The chances of even some of Jesus’ prophecies happening, with their predictions laid out centuries prior, are absurdly unlikely to be pure coincidence.

  • As a statistical estimate, fulfilling 8 of the prophecies would be about 1:10^17.
Genesis 3:15Seed of a woman (virgin birth)Galatians 4:4–5, Matthew 1:18
Genesis 3:15He will bruise Satan’s headHebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:18
Genesis 5:24The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedMark 16:19
Genesis 9:26–27The God of Shem will be the Son of ShemLuke 3:36
Genesis 12:3The Seed of Abraham will bless all nationsGalatians 3:8, Acts 3:25–26
Genesis 12:7The promise made to Abraham’s seedGalatians 3:16
Genesis 14:18A priest after the order of MelchizedekHebrews 6:20
Genesis 14:18King of peace and righteousnessHebrews 7:2
Genesis 14:18The Last Supper foreshadowedMatthew 26:26–29
Genesis 17:19, Genesis 21:12Seed of IsaacRomans 9:7
Genesis 22:8The Lamb of God promisedJohn 1:29
Genesis 22:18Isaac’s seed, will bless all nationsGalatians 3:16
Genesis 26:2–5Isaac’s seed, promised as the redeemerHebrews 11:18
Genesis 28:12The bridge to heavenJohn 1:51
Genesis 28:14Jacob’s seedLuke 3:34
Genesis 49:10The time of His comingLuke 2:1–7, Galatians 4:4
Genesis 49:10The Seed of JudahLuke 3:33
Genesis 49:10Called Shiloh or One SentJohn 17:3
Genesis 49:10Messiah to come before Judah lost identityJohn 11:47–52
Genesis 49:10The obedience of the nations will be hisJohn 10:16
Exodus 3:13–15The Great “I AM”John 4:26, 8:58
Exodus 12:5A Lamb without blemishHebrews 9:14, 1 Peter 1:19
Exodus 12:13The blood of the Lamb saves from wrathRomans 5:8
Exodus 12:21–27Christ is our Passover1 Corinthians 5:7
Exodus 12:46Not a bone of the Lamb will be brokenJohn 19:31–36
Exodus 15:2His exaltation predicted as YeshuaActs 7:55–56
Exodus 15:11, Psalm 2:6, Daniel 9:24bHe would be holyLuke 1:35, John 8:46, Acts 4:27, Revelation 3:7
Exodus 17:6The spiritual rock of Israel1 Corinthians 10:4
Exodus 33:19He would be mercifulLuke 1:72
Leviticus 1:2–9His sacrifice as a sweet-smelling savor to GodEphesians 5:2
Leviticus 14:11The leper was cleansed, gave a sign to the priesthoodLuke 5:12–14, Acts 6:7
Leviticus 16:15–17Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all deathHebrews 9:7–14
Leviticus 16:27Suffering outside the CampMatthew 27:33, Hebrews 13:11–12
Leviticus 17:11The blood is the life of the bodyMatthew 26:28, Mark 10:45
Leviticus 17:11It is the blood that makes atonementRomans 3:23–24, 1 John 1:7
Leviticus 23:36–37The Drink-offering: “If any man thirsts”John 7:37
Numbers 9:12Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31–36
Numbers 21:9Lifted onto a poleJohn 3:14–18, 12:32
Numbers 24:17Time: “I will see him, but not now”John 1:14, Galatians 4:4
Deuteronomy 18:15The prophet that must be listened toJohn 6:14
Deuteronomy 18:15–16Had you believed Moses, you would believe meJohn 5:45–47
Deuteronomy 18:18Sent by the Father to speak His wordJohn 8:28–29
Deuteronomy 18:19Whoever will not hear must bear his sinActs 3:22–23
Deuteronomy 21:23Cursed is he who hangs on a treeGalatians 3:10–13
Joshua 5:14–15The captain of our salvationHebrews 2:10
Ruth 4:4–10Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed usEphesians 1:3–7
1 Samuel 2:10An anointed King to the LordMatthew 28:18, John 12:15
2 Samuel 7:12, 1 Chronicles 17:11, Jeremiah 23:5–6, Jeremiah 33:14–15, Ezekiel 34:23–24, Ezekiel 37:24–25, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 132:11David’s seed or descendant (the fruit of his body), called LordMatthew 1:1, 9:27, 22:42–45, Luke 1:31–33, Luke 3:23–31, Acts 2:30
2 Samuel 7:13His kingdom is everlasting2 Peter 1:11
2 Samuel 7:14aThe Son of GodLuke 1:32, Romans 1:3–4
2 Samuel 7:16, 1 Chronicles 17:12–13David’s house is established and will reign foreverLuke 1:32–33, Luke 3:31, Revelation 22:16
2 Kings 2:11The bodily ascension to heaven illustratedLuke 24:51
1 Chronicles 17:13I will be His Father, and he will be my SonHebrews 1:5
Job 9:32–33Mediator between man and God1 Timothy 2:5
Job 19:23–27, Psalm 17:15, Psalm 30:3Resurrection predictedJohn 5:24–29, Luke 24:6, Acts 2:32
Psalm 2:1–3The enmity of kings foreordainedActs 4:25–28
Psalm 2:2, Psalm 45:7–8To own the title of Anointed (Christ/Messiah)John 1:41, Luke 2:11, Acts 2:36
Psalm 2:6To own the title KingMatthew 2:2
Psalm 2:7Declared the Beloved SonMatthew 3:17, Romans 1:4
Psalm 2:7–8The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimatedActs 13:29–33
Psalm 2:8–9Rule the nations with a rod of ironRevelation 2:27, 12:5, 19:15
Psalm 2:12Life comes through faith in HimJohn 20:31
Psalm 8:2The mouths of children perfect His praiseMatthew 21:16
Psalm 8:5–6His humiliation and exaltationHebrews 2:5–9
Psalm 16:10Won’t see corruptionActs 2:31, 13:35
Psalm 16:9–11Would rise from the deadJohn 20:9
Psalm 18:2–3The horn of salvationLuke 1:69–71
Psalm 22:1Forsaken because of the sins of others2 Corinthians 5:21
Psalm 22:1“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”Matthew 27:46
Psalm 22:2Darkness upon Calvary for three hoursMatthew 27:45
Psalm 22:7They shoot out the lip and shake the headMatthew 27:39–44
Psalm 22:8“He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him”Matthew 27:43
Psalm 22:9–10Born the SaviorLuke 2:7
Psalm 22:12–13They seek his deathJohn 19:6
Psalm 22:14His blood poured out when they pierced his sideJohn 19:34
Psalm 22:14–15Suffered agony on CalvaryMark 15:34–37
Psalm 22:15He thirstedJohn 19:28
Psalm 22:16They pierced his hands and feetJohn 19:34, 19:37, 20:27
Psalm 22:17–18Stripped Him before the stares of menLuke 23:34–35
Psalm 22:18They split his garmentsJohn 19:23–24
Psalm 22:20–21He committed himself to GodLuke 23:46
Psalm 22:20–21Satanic power bruising the Redeemer’s heelHebrews 2:14
Psalm 22:22His resurrection was declaredJohn 20:17
Psalm 22:27–28He will be the governor of the nationsColossians 1:16
Psalm 22:31“It is finished”John 19:30, Hebrews 10:10–18
Psalm 23:1I am the Good ShepherdJohn 10:11, 1 Peter 2:25
Psalm 24:3His exaltation predictedActs 1:11, Philippians 2:9
Psalm 31:5“Into thy hands I commit my spirit”Luke 23:46
Psalm 31:11His acquaintances fled from HimMark 14:50
Psalm 31:13Taking counsel to put Him to deathMatthew 27:1, John 11:53
Psalm 31:14–15“He trusted in God, let Him deliver him”Matthew 27:43
Psalm 34:20Not a bone of Him brokenJohn 19:31–36
Psalm 35:11Great people were to visit HimMatthew 26:59
Psalm 35:19Hated without a causeJohn 15:25
Psalm 38:11His friends stood afar offLuke 23:49
Psalm 38:12Enemies try to entangle Him by craftMark 14:1, Matthew 22:15
Psalm 38:12–13Silent before his accusersMatthew 27:12–14
Psalm 38:20He went about doing goodActs 10:38
Psalm 40:2–5The joy of His resurrection predictedJohn 20:20
Psalm 40:6–8His delight, the will of the FatherJohn 4:34, Hebrews 10:5–10
Psalm 40:9He was to preach righteousness in IsraelMatthew 4:17
Psalm 40:14Confronted by adversaries in the GardenJohn 18:4–6
Psalm 41:9Betrayed by a familiar friendJohn 13:18
Psalm 45:2Words of grace come from His lipsJohn 1:17, Luke 4:22
Psalm 45:6To own the title, God or ElohimHebrews 1:8
Psalm 45:7, Isaiah 11:2Anointed by the Holy SpiritMatthew 3:16–17, Acts 10:38, Hebrews 1:9
Psalm 45:17His name will be remembered foreverEphesians 1:20–21, Hebrews 1:8
Psalm 55:12–14Betrayed by a friend, not an enemyJohn 13:18
Psalm 55:15Unrepentant death of the BetrayerMatthew 27:3–5, Acts 1:16–19
Psalm 68:18To give gifts to menEphesians 4:7–16
Psalm 68:18, Daniel 7:13–14aAscended into HeavenLuke 24:51, Acts 1:9–11
Psalm 69:4Hated without a causeJohn 15:25
Psalm 69:8A stranger to his familyJohn 1:11, 7:5
Psalm 69:9Zealous for the Lord’s HouseJohn 2:17
Psalm 69:14–20Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixionMatthew 26:36–45
Psalm 69:20My soul is exceedingly sorrowfulMatthew 26:38
Psalm 69:21Given vinegar in thirstMatthew 27:34
Psalm 69:26The Savior given and smitten by GodJohn 17:4, 18:11
Psalm 72:10–11Messiah is the pre-existent SonMatthew 2:1–11
Psalm 72:16The corn of wheat to fall into the GroundJohn 12:24–25
Psalm 72:17Belief in His name will produce offspringJohn 1:12–13
Psalm 72:17All nations will be blessed by HimGalatians 3:8
Psalm 72:17All nations will call Him blessedJohn 12:13, Revelation 5:8–12
Psalm 78:1–2He would teach with parablesMatthew 13:34–35
Psalm 78:2bTo speak the wisdom of God with authorityMatthew 7:29
Psalm 80:17The Man of God’s right handMark 14:61–62
Psalm 88The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryMatthew 27:26–50
Psalm 88:8They stood afar off and watchedLuke 23:49
Psalm 89:27FirstbornColossians 1:15, 1:18
Psalm 89:27Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kingsLuke 1:32–33
Psalm 89:35–37David’s seed, throne, kingdom will endure foreverLuke 1:32–33
Psalm 89:36–37He would be faithfulRevelation 1:5, 19:11
Psalm 90:2, Micah 5:2He is everlastingJohn 1:1
Psalm 91:11–12Identified as Messianic; used to tempt ChristLuke 4:10–11
Psalm 97:9His exaltation predictedActs 1:11, Ephesians 1:20
Psalm 100:5His character is GoodnessMatthew 19:16–17
Psalm 102:1–11The Suffering and Reproach of CalvaryJohn 19:16–30
Psalm 102:25–27, 118:26bComing while the temple is standingMatthew 21:12–15, Hebrews 1:10–12
Psalm 109:25RidiculedMatthew 27:39
Psalm 110:1To ascend to the right hand of the FatherMark 16:19
Psalm 110:4A priest after Melchizedek’s orderHebrews 6:20
Psalm 112:4His character is compassionate, graciousMatthew 9:36
Psalm 118:17–18Messiah’s resurrection assuredLuke 24:5–7, 1 Corinthians 15:20
Psalm 118:22–23The rejected stone is the head of the cornerMatthew 21:42–43
Psalm 118:26aThe blessed one presented to IsraelMatthew 21:9
Psalm 129:3ScourgedMatthew 27:26
Psalm 138:1–6The supremacy of David’s seed amazes kingsMatthew 2:2–6
Psalm 147:3,6The earthly ministry of Christ describedLuke 4:18
Proverbs 1:23He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7
Proverbs 8:23Foreordained from everlastingRevelation 13:8, 1 Peter 1:19–20
Song of Songs 5:16The altogether lovely OneJohn 1:17
Isaiah 2:3He will teach all nationsJohn 4:25
Isaiah 2:4He will judge among the nationsJohn 5:22
Isaiah 6:1When Isaiah saw His gloryJohn 12:40–41
Isaiah 6:8The one sent by GodJohn 12:38–45
Isaiah 6:9–10Parables fall on deaf earsMatthew 13:13–15
Isaiah 6:9–12The people blinded to Christ and deaf to his wordsActs 28:23–29
Isaiah 7:14To be born of a virginLuke 1:35
Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8:8To be called Emmanuel: God with usMatthew 1:18–23, Matthew 28:20, 1 Timothy 3:16
Isaiah 8:14A stone of stumbling, a rock of offense1 Peter 2:8
Isaiah 9:1–2His ministry will begin in GalileeMatthew 4:12–17
Isaiah 9:6A child born – HumanityLuke 1:31
Isaiah 9:6A Son is given – DeityLuke 1:32, John 1:14, 1 Timothy 3:16
Isaiah 9:6Declared to be the Son of God with powerRomans 1:3–4
Isaiah 9:6The Wonderful One, PelehLuke 4:22
Isaiah 9:6The Counselor, YaatzMatthew 13:54
Isaiah 9:6The Mighty God, El Gibor1 Corinthians 1:24, Titus 2:3
Isaiah 9:6The Everlasting Father, Avi AdthJohn 8:58, 10:30
Isaiah 9:6The Prince of Peace, Sar ShalomJohn 16:33
Isaiah 9:7To establish an everlasting kingdomLuke 1:32–33
Isaiah 9:7, Zechariah 9:9cHis character is JustJohn 5:30
Isaiah 9:7No end to his government, throne, and peaceLuke 1:32–33
Isaiah 11:1Called a Nazarene-the Branch, NetzerMatthew 2:23
Isaiah 11:1A rod out of Jesse-Son of JesseLuke 3:23, Luke 3:32
Isaiah 11:2His character is wisdom, knowledgeColossians 2:3
Isaiah 11:3He would know their thoughtsLuke 6:8, John 2:25
Isaiah 11:4Judge in righteousnessActs 17:31
Isaiah 11:4Judges with the sword of His mouthRevelation 2:16, 19:11, 19:15
Isaiah 11:5He would be righteous and faithfulRevelation 19:11
Isaiah 11:10The Gentiles seek HimJohn 12:18–21
Isaiah 12:2Called Jesus-YeshuaMatthew 1:21
Isaiah 22:22The One given all authority to governRevelation 3:7
Isaiah 25:8The resurrection was predicted1 Corinthians 15:54
Isaiah 26:19His power of resurrection was predictedMatthew 27:50–54
Isaiah 28:16, Zechariah 10:4The Messiah is the precious cornerstoneActs 4:11–12, Ephesians 2:20
Isaiah 28:16The Sure Foundation1 Corinthians 3:11, Matthew 16:18
Isaiah 29:13He indicated hypocritical obedience to His WordMatthew 15:7–9
Isaiah 29:14Wise people are confounded by the Word1 Corinthians 1:18–31
Isaiah 32:2A human refuge and hiding placeMatthew 23:37
Isaiah 35:4He will come and save youMatthew 1:21
Isaiah 35:5–6To have a ministry of miraclesMatthew 11:2–6
Isaiah 40:3–4Preceded by forerunnerJohn 1:23
Isaiah 40:9Behold your God.John 1:36, 19:14
Isaiah 40:10He will come to rewardRevelation 22:12
Isaiah 40:11A shepherd-compassionate life-giverJohn 10:10–18
Isaiah 42:1–4The servant as a faithful, patient redeemerMatthew 12:18–21
Isaiah 42:2Meek and lowlyMatthew 11:28–30
Isaiah 42:3He brings hope to the hopelessJohn 4
Isaiah 42:4The nations will wait on His teachingsJohn 12:20–26
Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 60:1–3The light and salvation of the GentilesLuke 2:32, John 8:12, Acts 13:47, Acts 26:23
Isaiah 42:1,6Has a worldwide compassionMatthew 28:19–20
Isaiah 42:7Blind eyes openedJohn 9:25–38
Isaiah 43:11He is the only SaviorActs 4:12
Isaiah 44:3He will send the Spirit of GodJohn 16:7, 16:13
Isaiah 45:21–25Lord and SaviorPhilippians 3:20, Titus 2:13
Isaiah 45:23Will be the JudgeJohn 5:22, Romans 14:11
Isaiah 46:9–10Declares things aren’t done yetJohn 13:19
Isaiah 48:12The First and the LastJohn 1:30, Revelation 1:8, 1:17
Isaiah 48:16–17Came as a teacherJohn 3:2
Isaiah 49:1Called from the womb-His humanityMatthew 1:18
Isaiah 49:5Servant from the wombLuke 1:31, Philippians 2:7
Isaiah 49:6Will restore IsraelActs 3:19–21, 15:16–17
Isaiah 49:6He is salvation for IsraelLuke 2:29–32
Isaiah 49:6He is salvation to the ends of the earthActs 15:7–18
Isaiah 49:7The nation despises HimJohn 1:11, 8:48–49, 19:14–15
Isaiah 50:3Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliationLuke 23:44–45
Isaiah 50:4He is a learned counselor for the wearyMatthew 7:29, 11:28–29
Isaiah 50:5The servant bound willingly to obedienceMatthew 26:39
Isaiah 50:6aGave his back to those who beat himMatthew 27:26
Isaiah 50:6bStruck on the cheeksMatthew 26:67
Isaiah 50:6cSpat uponMatthew 27:30
Isaiah 52:7Published good tidings upon mountainsMatthew 5:12, 15:29, 28:16
Isaiah 52:13The servant exaltedActs 1:8–11, Ephesians 1:19–22, Philippians 2:5–9
Isaiah 52:14The servant shockingly abusedLuke 18:31–34, Matthew 26:67–68
Isaiah 52:15Nations startled by the message of the servantLuke 18:31–34, Matthew 26:67–68
Isaiah 52:15His spilled blood sprinkles nationsHebrews 9:13–14, Revelation 1:5
Isaiah 53:1His people would not believe himJohn 12:37–38
Isaiah 53:2Appearance of an ordinary manPhilippians 2:6–8
Isaiah 53:3aDespisedLuke 4:28–29
Isaiah 53:3bRejectedMatthew 27:21–23
Isaiah 53:3cGreat sorrow and griefMatthew 26:37–38, Luke 19:41, Hebrews 4:15
Isaiah 53:3dMen hide from being associated with HimMark 14:50–52
Isaiah 53:4aHe would have a healing ministryMatthew 8:16–17
Isaiah 53:4bThought to be cursed by GodMatthew 26:66, 27:41–43
Isaiah 53:5aBears penalty for humanity’s sins2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 2:9
Isaiah 53:5bHis sacrifice provides peace between man and GodColossians 1:20
Isaiah 53:5cHis sacrifice would heal humanity of sin1 Peter 2:24
Isaiah 53:6aHe would bear the sins of all humanity1 John 2:2, 4:10
Isaiah 53:6bGod’s will for him to bear sin for all humanityGalatians 1:4
Isaiah 53:7aOppressed and afflictedMatthew 27:27–31
Isaiah 53:7bSilent before his accusersMatthew 27:12–14
Isaiah 53:7cSacrificial lambJohn 1:29, 1 Peter 1:18–19
Isaiah 53:8aConfined and persecutedMatthew 26:47–27:31
Isaiah 53:8bHe’d be judgedJohn 18:13–22
Isaiah 53:8cKilledMatthew 27:35
Isaiah 53:8dDies for the sins of the world1 John 2:2
Isaiah 53:9aBuried in a rich man’s graveMatthew 27:57
Isaiah 53:9bInnocent and had done no violenceLuke 23:41, John 18:38
Isaiah 53:9cNo deceit in his mouth1 Peter 2:22
Isaiah 53:10aGod’s will for him to die for all humanityJohn 18:11
Isaiah 53:10bAn offering for sinMatthew 20:28, Galatians 3:13
Isaiah 53:10cResurrected and lives foreverRomans 6:9
Isaiah 53:10dHe would prosperJohn 17:1–5
Isaiah 53:11aGod would be fully satisfied with His sufferingJohn 12:27
Isaiah 53:11bGod’s servant would justify manRomans 5:8–9, 18–19
Isaiah 53:11cThe sin-bearer for all humanityHebrews 9:28
Isaiah 53:12aExalted by God because of his sacrificeMatthew 28:18
Isaiah 53:12bHe would give up his life to save humanityLuke 23:46
Isaiah 53:12cNumbered with the transgressorsMark 15:27–28
Isaiah 53:12dSin-bearer for all humanity1 Peter 2:24
Isaiah 53:12eIntercedes to God on behalf of humanityLuke 23:34, Romans 8:34
Isaiah 55:3Resurrected by GodActs 13:34
Isaiah 55:4aA witnessJohn 18:37
Isaiah 55:4bHe is a leader and commanderHebrews 2:10
Isaiah 55:5God would glorify HimActs 3:13
Isaiah 59:16aIntercessor between man and GodMatthew 10:32
Isaiah 59:16bHe would come to provide salvationJohn 6:40
Isaiah 59:20He would come to Zion as their RedeemerLuke 2:38
Isaiah 61:1aThe Spirit of God upon himMatthew 3:16–17
Isaiah 61:1bThe Messiah would preach the good newsLuke 4:16–21
Isaiah 61:1cProvide freedom from the bondage of sinJohn 8:31–36
Isaiah 61:1–2aProclaim a period of graceGalatians 4:4–5
Jeremiah 23:5–6The Messiah would be both God and ManJohn 13:13, 1 Timothy 3:16
Jeremiah 31:22Born of a virginMatthew 1:18–20
Jeremiah 31:31The Messiah would be the new covenantMatthew 26:28
Daniel 2:44–45The stone that will break the kingdomsMatthew 21:44
Daniel 7:13–14bHighly exaltedEphesians 1:20–22
Daniel 7:13–14cHis dominion would be everlastingLuke 1:31–33
Daniel 9:24aTo make an end to sinsGalatians 1:3–5
Daniel 9:24aTo make reconciliation for iniquityRomans 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:18–21
Daniel 9:25His announcementJohn 12:12–13
Daniel 9:26aCut offMatthew 16:21, 21:38–39
Daniel 9:26bDie for the sins of the worldHebrews 2:9
Daniel 9:26cKilled before the destruction of the templeMatthew 27:50–51
Daniel 10:5–6Messiah in a glorified stateRevelation 1:13–16
Hosea 11:1Called out of EgyptMatthew 2:15
Hosea 13:14Defeats death1 Corinthians 15:55–57
Joel 2:32Offer salvation to all humanityRomans 10:9–13
Jonah 1:17Death and resurrection of ChristMatthew 12:40, 16:4
Micah 5:2aBorn in BethlehemMatthew 2:1–6
Micah 5:2bRuler in IsraelLuke 1:33
Micah 5:2cFrom everlastingJohn 8:58
Haggai 2:6–9He would visit the second TempleLuke 2:27–32
Haggai 2:23Descendant of ZerubbabelLuke 2:27–32
Zechariah 3:8God’s servantJohn 17:4
Zechariah 6:12–13Priest and KingHebrews 8:1
Zechariah 9:9aGreeted with rejoicing in JerusalemMatthew 21:8–10
Zechariah 9:9bBeheld as KingJohn 12:12–13
Zechariah 9:9dThe Messiah would bring salvationLuke 19:10
Zechariah 9:9eThe Messiah would be humbleMatthew 11:29
Zechariah 9:9fPresented to Jerusalem riding on a donkeyMatthew 21:6–9
Zechariah 11:4–6aAt his coming, Israel will have unfit leadersMatthew 23:1–4
Zechariah 11:4–6b, Zechariah 11:10–11aRejection causes God to remove His protectionLuke 19:41–44
Zechariah 11:4–6cRejected in favor of another kingJohn 19:13–15
Zechariah 11:7Ministry to “poor,” the believing remnantMatthew 9:35–36
Zechariah 11:8aUnbelief forces the Messiah to reject themMatthew 23:33
Zechariah 11:8bDespisedMatthew 27:20
Zechariah 11:9Stops ministering to those who rejected HimMatthew 13:10–11
Zechariah 11:10–11bThe Messiah would be GodJohn 14:7
Zechariah 11:12–13aBetrayed for thirty silver piecesMatthew 26:14–15
Zechariah 11:12–13bRejectedMatthew 26:14–15
Zechariah 11:12–13cThirty silver pieces cast in the Lord’s houseMatthew 27:3–5
Zechariah 11:12–13dThe Messiah would be GodJohn 12:45
Zechariah 12:10aMessiah’s body piercedJohn 19:34–37
Zechariah 12:10bMessiah will be both God and manJohn 10:30
Zechariah 12:10cMessiah will be rejectedJohn 1:11
Zechariah 13:7aGod’s will for Him to die for humanityJohn 18:11
Zechariah 13:7bA violent deathMark 14:27
Zechariah 13:7cBoth God and manJohn 14:9
Zechariah 13:7dIsrael scattered as a result of rejecting HimMatthew 26:31–56
Zechariah 14:4He would return to the Mount of OlivesActs 1:11–12
Malachi 3:1aMessenger to prepare the way for MessiahMark 1:1–8
Malachi 3:1bSudden appearance at the templeMark 11:15–16
Malachi 3:1cMessenger of the new covenantLuke 4:43
Malachi 4:5His forerunner is in Elijah’s spiritMatthew 3:1–3, 11:10–14, 17:11–13
Malachi 4:6His forerunner will turn many to righteousnessLuke 1:16–17

Further Reading

A Comprehensive List of Messianic Prophecies

Messianic Prophecies