Spiritual Terms

This is a glossary of theology terms, with the exception of the terms present on the cults, heresies, and disagreements page.

Angelology – – The systematic theology branch that addresses what angels are

Bibliology – The systematic theology branch that addresses the Bible

Christology – The systematic theology branch that addresses God as Jesus Christ

Christophany – A direct and personal encounter with Jesus Christ

Demonology – The systematic theology branch that addresses fallen angels

Ecclesiology – The systematic theology branch that addresses the Church

Eschatology – The systematic theology branch that addresses the end times and Jesus returning

Evangelism – Various forms of sharing the Gospel to the world

Elect – The people who God has predestined for eternal life, most prominently shown in Ephesians 1:4-6

Futurism – The view that God’s prophecies, especially in John’s Revelation, will happen in the future

Gospel – The good news of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection and what it means

Grace – In the Bible, refers to good things God gives when He didn’t need to, contrast with mercy

Harmatiology – The systematic theology branch that addresses sin

Hermeneutics – The theory and method of interpreting what the Bible says

Historicism – The view that God’s prophecies, especially in John’s Revelation, are happening throughout history as clear eras and epochs

Idealism – The view that God’s prophecies, especially in John’s Revelation, are allegorical and happen symbolically throughout history

Imputation – Transferring the judgment of sin from one individual to another, part of Levitical law, as well as Christ’s work

Justification – God’s legal status regarding our eternal state, contrast with regeneration and sanctification

Levitical law – A Hebrew tribe descended from Levi who was responsible for maintaining the Jewish temple

Kenosis – The theology surrounding how Jesus “emptied himself”

Mariology – The systematic theology branch that addresses the Virgin Mary (but only for Catholics)

Mercy – In the Bible, refers to bad things God doesn’t gives when He had every right to, contrast with grace

Missiology – The systematic theology branch that addresses evangelism

Orthopraxy – The systematic theology branch that addresses the correct way to behave and live as Christians

Paterology – The systematic theology branch that addresses God as the Father

Perichoresis – aka Circumincession, the relationship between the three persons of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

Pneumatology – The systematic theology branch that addresses God as the Holy Spirit

Predestination – God’s knowledge ahead of time about where people will be in eternity, often refers to discussions and controversy about the elect

Preterism – The view that God’s prophecies, especially in John’s Revelation, are referring to things that have already happened (e.g., the fall of Rome)

Propitiation – Turning away punishment through an offering that makes peace

Regeneration – God’s work to build His elect into what He wants them to be, contrast with justification and sanctification

Reconciliation – Specific concept in the Bible referring to putting away a conflict

Sanctification – God setting apart something for a spiritual purpose, implies decisions on our end, contrast with justification and regeneration

Soteriology – The systematic theology branch that addresses how salvation works

Systematic theology – A philosophically rigorous exploration of the various aspects of Christianity’s beliefs

Teleology – The systematic theology branch that addresses God’s reasoning

Theophany – A direct and personal encounter with God

Theological anthropology – The systematic theology branch that addresses who people are with respect to God creating us